Suggested Worship Order for May 10, 2020
(The activities and order are up to you!)
Print these sermon notes.
Open with a simple prayer of thanksgiving for daily divine mercies, acknowledging God’s mighty faithfulness, asking for His forgiveness and for His blessing as you gather.
Read a passage of Scripture. Consider Isaiah 33:17-24.
Sing a familiar hymn or song. Today you are invited to listen to or sing along with the musicians.
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Just to help you know where the preacher is going, here is the outline!
Following Motivations (Luke 9:24-26)
- A Paradoxical Principle of Preservation v. 24.
- The Way of Loss: Wishing to Live for Yourself is a Losing Proposition.
- The Way of Life: Losing All for Christ is the Only Way to Gain Your Life.
- A Pointed Question of Profit v. 25.
- A Simple Ledger.
- A Sober Lesson: No amount of earthly gain can make up for losing your soul.
- A Plain Warning of Pushing-Away v. 26.
- Standing Away from Him.
- His Standing Away.
Sing a song when the sermon is over. Some Suggestions:
- Come, Thou Fount, Hymnbook #400;
- Rock of Ages, Hymnbook #421;
- O My Soul, Arise, Songbook, 126.
Spend time in discussion or reflection on what you heard.
Possible Discussion Questions
- How would you summarize the main lesson of this passage? What in this account made the greatest impression on you?
- What kind of life does the one who “wishes to save his life” live? Why will he end up losing it?
- What does it mean “to lose one’s life for Jesus’ sake”? What does that life look and act like?
- What is most valuable to you? What do you think about more than anything else?
- What kind of situations can tempt us to “be ashamed” to acknowledge Christ? In what ways can we “distance” ourselves from being identified with Jesus?
- What will be the consequences for someone if Jesus is “ashamed” of them when He comes?
- What, if anything, are you challenged to do on account of this passage? Are you following Him?
Close with prayer, thanking God for His Word, asking Him to help you to understand, hold on to, and faithfully apply what you have heard.