Suggested Worship Order for May 3, 2020
(The activities and order are up to you!)
Print these sermon notes.
Open with a simple prayer of thanksgiving for daily divine mercies, acknowledging God’s mighty faithfulness, asking for His forgiveness and for His blessing as you gather.
Read a passage of Scripture. Consider Philippians 3:7-16.
Sing a familiar hymn or song. Today you are invited to listen to or sing along with the musicians.
Watch or Listen
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Audio Only Press for audio.
Just to help you know where the preacher is going, here is the outline!
The Christ of God
Luke 9:23
- Its Universal Application.
- Its Ultimate Attraction.
- Its Undaunted Action.
- A Deliberate Self-Denial.
- A Daily Death.
- A Determined Following.
Sing a song when the sermon is over. Some Suggestions:
- Take My Life and Let It Be, Hymnbook #492;
- You Are My All in All, Songbook #154;
- May the Mind of Christ, My Savior, Songbook, 119.
Spend time in discussion or reflection on what you heard.
Possible Discussion Questions
- How would you summarize the main lesson of this passage? What in this account made the greatest impression on you?
- Why would anyone want to “come after” Christ and follow Him? Is He worthy to follow? What does it mean if I don’t follow Him?
- What does Jesus mean when He says a person must “deny himself”?
- What does Jesus mean when He says a person must “take up his cross daily”?
- What does a following of Jesus mean, and what does it look like?
- What, if anything, are you challenged to do on account of this passage? Are you following Him?
Close with prayer, thanking God for His Word, asking Him to help you to understand, hold on to, and faithfully apply what you have heard.
That was powerful Rick! Thank you. Took me back to our Cody days, studying with you at our table.
So, no return to normal according to the governor, I guess FCC of Oxnard will continue to be non essential. Next, I guess you will have to get your permit to preach Christ.