Helps For Parents #10

And He continued in subjection to [His parents] . . . And Jesus kept increasing in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men (Luke 2:51, 52).

By considering the realms in which Jesus matured during His youth—intellectual, physical, social and spiritual—parents will be helped to focus their efforts as they bring up their own children.  Of these, the spiritual nurture of their children is most important.  Jesus grew in favor with God.

Spiritual nurture requires the parent to repeatedly implant right views in their understanding, right views about God, right views about authority, right views about themselves, right views about the world.  This can be done both by formal devotions and in the daily interactions of life, as Deuteronomy 6 recommends, as . . . “you sit in your house and . . . walk by the way and . . . lie down and . . . rise up.”

Spiritual nurture’s first aim is to establish the child in patterns of upright behavior, to direct them to habits of thought and speech and action that conform to God’s revealed will.  Such behavior is not saving, “since by the works of the Law shall no flesh be justified (Galations 2:16)”.   It is preparatory and preservative.  There is no value in allowing them to live out their depravity.

Spiritual nurture’s second and greater aim is to establish them in true godliness, to not simply do what is right, but to be right in the sight of God.  There is a world of difference between a moral person and a Christian, and that is a difference of heart—not merely a desire to look good to men but to please God, to love God with all their heart and soul and mind and strength.  The parent’s aim is not simply to have well-behaved children, but to have humble, repentant, believing children who love Jesus Christ.

Spiritual nurture requires parents to depend upon the grace of God.  It is not done simply through rules made and enforced, but through heart dealings.  Surely parents need to depend upon God’s grace, grace to strengthen and enable them in their task and grace to convert and transform their children.

Spiritual nurture requires parents—while depending upon God’s grace–to actively do their duty.  The need for grace does not do away with the need for parents to be active and diligent to press upon their children the claims of God (they are responsible to Him), the warnings of God (they are accountable to Him), the promises of God (they can approach Him) and the mercy of God (they can enjoy and obey Him).

  1. Part 1
  2. Part 2
  3. Part 3
  4. Part 4
  5. Part 5
  6. Part 6
  7. Part 7
  8. Part 8
  9. Part 9
  10. Part 10
  11. Part 11
  12. Part 12
  13. Part 13
  14. Part 14
  15. Part 15

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